My 2008 Hybrid is giving me trouble. The wrench light came on, and it won’t stay on when I try to start it. Any ideas on what’s going on?
Best bet is to just have it towed to a shop.
A couple of questions:
How cold is it where you are?
Have you tested the 12V starter battery?
If it’s been above 25°F and the starter battery is fine, you might need to take it to a mechanic. The high-voltage (HV) batteries can be dangerous to work on without proper training.
It’s been in the 50s here lately. I was away for about 2.5 weeks over the holidays and didn’t start the car during that time. It worked fine for a week after I got back, but now it won’t stay on at all. I assumed the 12V battery was fine since it starts briefly, but I’ll test it to be sure.
You could try jumping the high-voltage (HV) battery. Sometimes it gets too low and causes weird issues. There’s a little door on the left side of the dash, and behind it, there’s a button in the 2008 model that charges the HV battery from the 12V battery. Give that a shot.
Definitely worth trying. In my experience, though, if the HV battery is too low, the engine usually won’t even try to turn over.
You’ll want to find a Ford dealer or a hybrid-certified independent shop. I’m a Ford/Lincoln tech, and the last 2nd-gen hybrid I saw with a no-start issue needed a new HV battery. Fair warning, those batteries are expensive.