Car not starting sometimes… is it the battery, alternator, or something else?

My 2003 Ford Escape XLT V6 wouldn’t start, so I figured it was the battery. Turns out the battery was bad, so I replaced it with a new one. Now the car starts, but sometimes it doesn’t start at random—it just clicks.

Another issue is that the engine idles really low at stoplights and almost dies completely. The lights also dim when this happens.

Anyone know what could be causing these problems?

I’d start by getting the alternator tested. That’s a common culprit for these symptoms.

Quin said:
I’d start by getting the alternator tested. That’s a common culprit for these symptoms.

It makes a clicking noise when it doesn’t start, so I’m thinking maybe it’s not getting enough power? Could it be bad wiring?

The clicking noise is usually tied to a bad battery, but since you replaced it, the alternator is still a strong possibility. Bad wiring could also be a factor. Honestly, it could be a lot of things, but most auto parts stores will test your alternator for free. I’d do that first.

Funny thing is, AutoZone tested it initially and said both the battery and alternator were fine. Clearly, that wasn’t true since I went somewhere else and they found the battery was bad. I’ve got a friend who’s an electrician and a mechanic. He’s testing it tomorrow. I’ll let you know what we find.

If the alternator checks out, it might be your starter. I had a similar issue with my Mustang—it clicked but wouldn’t start, and it turned out to be the starter.

I’m not sure if ignition switch problems are common for your year and model, but it’s worth checking. The dimming lights are usually a sign of an alternator issue, though. I had a similar experience with my 2010—my alternator failed intermittently. Every time they tested it, it seemed fine, but at random it would stop working and drain the battery. This even caused my car to die in traffic. Once they replaced it, the problem went away.