I hate my 2014 Ford Escape… Parking Light Nightmare

My driver-side parking light went out, and I actually managed to get in there and take the old bulb out.

But now… I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the new one back in. No matter how I hold it, it just won’t go. I’ve been at this for way too long, and I’m losing my mind. :sob:

Does anyone know the exact way I need to position the bulb to get it back in?

I’m this close to just taking the tire off, but that stupid box is already in the way. I just want to avoid paying $50-$120 for something that should be simple!

I literally did this on my 2014 this morning. It’s a huge pain since you have to do it blind (I went through the fender liner without removing the bumper).

To get it back in, set the bulb in the hole and slowly rotate it counterclockwise until it lines up. Then, turn it clockwise to lock it in place. It had to go further than I expected before it finally clicked.

I’m at a small mom-and-pop shop right now, and we’ve already managed to drop two bulbs in there. First me, then the mechanic.

Seriously, why did Ford design it like this? So frustrating.

Zyler said:
I’m at a small mom-and-pop shop right now, and we’ve already managed to drop two bulbs in there. First me, then the mechanic.

Seriously, why did Ford design it like this? So frustrating.

So many modern cars have stupidly difficult headlight designs. It makes no sense. :joy:

If I had known it would be this much of a hassle, I wouldn’t have bought this car. No way changing a simple bulb should be this complicated.