This post is about a car that is still running and going strong. Let’s talk about it and share our experiences.
Nice… What year and what motor?
Sage said:
Nice… What year and what motor?
2013 1.6
What’s your model? Pretty nice
Greer said:
What’s your model? Pretty nice
Sel 1.6
I owned a 13 and an 18 and they were both good little cars. I sold each once the warranty was up.
What year and engine?
Eren said:
What year and engine?
2013 1.6
Any transmission issues? I have a 2014 at 140,000 that’s starting to act a little funky in the 1-2 shift
Fin said:
Any transmission issues? I have a 2014 at 140,000 that’s starting to act a little funky in the 1-2 shift
I had a similar problem with the trans on a 15 escape… it was a small fix. The trans didn’t have to come out. If you haven’t done this yet, try having the fluid flushed and the filter changed. That might help.
Fin said:
Any transmission issues? I have a 2014 at 140,000 that’s starting to act a little funky in the 1-2 shift
The filter can’t be changed on the escape without separating the transmission. You can do a drain and fill or flush the transmission fluid. My escape also had the 1-2nd shift delay.
I’m at 240k roughly. How do you get close to me in a newer escape? Lmao
Luca said:
I’m at 240k roughly. How do you get close to me in a newer escape? Lmao
How do you have that flair? It tells me it’s unavailable.
Luca said:
I’m at 240k roughly. How do you get close to me in a newer escape? Lmao
How do you have that flair? It tells me it’s unavailable.
The blue text that says my car?
I have a 14 and it has 118k miles… why is the trans so expensive to replace?
Jin said:
I have a 14 and it has 118k miles… why is the trans so expensive to replace?
I did it myself and it was still expensive.
I had a 2015 ford escape and sold it with 307,000 miles. It had a 2.5 engine with its second transmission. Always used synthetic oil.
Tuesday to Thursday built!