Back in December, i swapped out my failing cd4e for a junkyard unit. worked fine for about a month, but now it’s acting up. slipping when i take off from a stop, especially on hills. it also doesn’t want to shift to 2nd unless i turn OD off. sometimes the OD light flashes but turns off after restarting. any ideas? thinking it might be valve body or solenoids. car is used for deliveries, about 150-200 miles a day.
honestly, you had better luck than me. got a junkyard cd4e once, and it was DOA. had to rebuild my old one. have you checked fluid condition? and are you carrying a lot of weight with deliveries?
Zayne said:
honestly, you had better luck than me. got a junkyard cd4e once, and it was DOA. had to rebuild my old one. have you checked fluid condition? and are you carrying a lot of weight with deliveries?
fluid looks new, smells fine. deliveries are mostly walmart and home depot, but nothing crazy heavy.
Zayne said:
honestly, you had better luck than me. got a junkyard cd4e once, and it was DOA. had to rebuild my old one. have you checked fluid condition? and are you carrying a lot of weight with deliveries?
sounds like it could be the infamous 2-4 band issue. super common on the cd4e. have you tried driving in gear 2 manually? also, do you have access to a real code scanner? autozone’s free scan might not show everything.
revs up to 4k before shifting, OD engages but only if i manually activate it. sometimes it just skips 2nd altogether. planning to rebuild my old trans when i have time and cash.
Francis said:
revs up to 4k before shifting, OD engages but only if i manually activate it. sometimes it just skips 2nd altogether. planning to rebuild my old trans when i have time and cash.
if you lost 2nd, you should check for p0732 or p0734 codes. you need a proper scan tool for that, though. if no codes, try testing solenoids—see if they’re clicking when powered.
might be a dumb question, but could clogged cats cause these issues? pretty sure my front ones are bad.
Francis said:
might be a dumb question, but could clogged cats cause these issues? pretty sure my front ones are bad.
not a dumb question at all. clogged cats could cause power loss, but it wouldn’t usually affect shifting. worth checking if you’re also blowing o2 sensor fuses.
Francis said:
might be a dumb question, but could clogged cats cause these issues? pretty sure my front ones are bad.
yeah, o2 fuses keep blowing. haven’t tracked down the short yet.
update: pulled the pcm harness and found a melted connector on bank 2 sensor 2. gonna solder and heat shrink tomorrow.
Francis said:
update: pulled the pcm harness and found a melted connector on bank 2 sensor 2. gonna solder and heat shrink tomorrow.
good catch. fix that and see if it helps—might clear up some of your other codes too.
fixed wiring, replaced two connectors. down to just p1744 now. shifts are better, but still struggling with overdrive. 75mph at 3500rpm isn’t ideal.
Francis said:
fixed wiring, replaced two connectors. down to just p1744 now. shifts are better, but still struggling with overdrive. 75mph at 3500rpm isn’t ideal.
sounds like your torque converter might be struggling. did the fluid still look clean after the fix?
Francis said:
fixed wiring, replaced two connectors. down to just p1744 now. shifts are better, but still struggling with overdrive. 75mph at 3500rpm isn’t ideal.
nope, fluid is now burned and brown.
yikes. burned fluid that fast isn’t a good sign. do you have reverse at all?
Zayne said:
yikes. burned fluid that fast isn’t a good sign. do you have reverse at all?
nope, everything is forward. even in reverse, it goes forward. checked linkage, it’s fine.
Zayne said:
yikes. burned fluid that fast isn’t a good sign. do you have reverse at all?
sounds like your low/reverse clutches are heat-fused. maybe solenoids, but burned fluid suggests something deeper.
started tearing it down. old transmission is salvageable, so gonna rebuild that instead.
Francis said:
started tearing it down. old transmission is salvageable, so gonna rebuild that instead.
hats off to you. pulling and rebuilding a trans is no joke. keep us posted!