Anyone else having trouble finding the right size brake pads for the front on this model? The last two sets I bought were too small and didn’t fit the calipers properly. I’ve had to return them, and every pair I try seems to have the same problem. Maybe I’m missing something here, but it’s been frustrating.
Linden said:
There’s no ‘sport’ model for the Escape. You might need to double-check if you’re getting pads for the FWD or 4WD versions.
Yeah, I’ve already made sure to check for FWD vs. AWD. Did that from the start. Just frustrated at this point because it feels like I’ve tried everything and still end up with the wrong size.
Haha, I get it. I’m an auto tech, and even I’ve had issues getting the right brake pads for certain cars. Some brands like Audi have multiple sizes, and it can be a headache. Looks like the 1.5L Escape is tricky since it has both FWD and AWD options. It’s easy to mix up if the parts catalog isn’t clear.
Sorry for snapping. This car has been driving me nuts. I wanted to get the right parts locally so I could get this done tomorrow, but nobody seems to have them in stock. I’ve ordered them again, fingers crossed this time it’s the right fit. Yes, I did check the AWD box when I ordered, so hopefully, this one works out.
No worries, I totally get it! It can be frustrating. I suggest using RockAuto to find part numbers—they usually have more accurate info and pictures, which can help you compare with what you’re ordering.
Yeah, I’ve used RockAuto before, especially when local stores don’t have what I need. Used to go to NAPA all the time, but after a few bad experiences, I’ve been trying other places.