I’ve got a 2018 Escape SEL with 86.5k miles, and I’m stuck deciding what to do. The coolant leak issue hit me, and the repair quote was $6,900. I’ve negotiated with Ford, and they’re covering 40%, which brings it down to $4,200. I still owe $7k on the car. Here are my options:
Pay for the repair, drive it for as long as I can, and hope for the best.
Try K-Seal. I’ve read mixed reviews, but maybe it’ll hold long enough for me to trade it in.
Buy a cheap Escape at an auction for $1.5k, swap the engine, and sell the leftover parts to recover some costs.
I really don’t want to give Ford more money for this. Has anyone been in a similar situation? What did you end up doing? I’m feeling stuck here.
Lake said:
If you put sealant in it and trade it, you’re just passing the issue to someone else. Are you okay with that?
I thought about that, and I don’t want to screw over another person. My thinking is if I trade it at a Ford dealer, they’ll catch it and fix it before selling it. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?
Keep in mind Ford probably has a record of your issue now since you’ve taken it to the dealer. Most dealers will just resell it without fixing it, leaving the next buyer with the same mess.
I feel your pain. I’m dealing with the same issue on my 2017 Escape Titanium. I’ve already spent so much on repairs, including a new transmission last year. I still owe $7k too, but I’ve decided to trade it in. I’m done putting money into it—it’s a total money pit.
Neve said: @Jordan
How many miles do you have on it? Is it the 1.5 or the 2.0 engine?
167,927 miles, and it’s the 1.5L. I had a ton of issues before this—transmission, belts, alternator, and now the coolant leak. I traded it in. Enough was enough.
I’m fighting with Ford about mine right now. It’s a 2018, and I still owe $5,800. They’re tearing down the engine to see if warranty will cover it, but this whole thing is ridiculous.
Cade said:
How are you negotiating with Ford? What’s the process?
I started by taking it to the dealer, and they opened a case with Ford. Then I called Ford myself with the case number to push for more help. Customer service said the dealer needs to negotiate, but the dealer said I might have better luck dealing directly with Ford. I’m waiting to hear back and will update.